I always economize with respect to concerts so i have went just to a few concert. But i remember one concert, which i was invited for a friend, and i really have a good time. The artists was "Cultura Profetica", this is a group of reggae that are together since 1996 but in the last years they make famous, especifically for them disc "La Dulzura". The concert was the last year in the "Movistar Arena" in the tour called "Saca, prende y sorprende", this is the name of them latests hit (i hate the song).
I am like a groupie of this band, in spite of that i did´t bought the ticket, so a friend invited me. Obviously i enjoyed every song, in addition the qualify of musician was amazing. I think that the qualify of musician was the best thing of the concert, whit my friend was shoked in all concert and every song was unique. Is very difficult put in words what i felt, but the only way to tray to express the experience is say that we got the chills ahahah.
And finally i left you my fovorite song:
I would like to visit Brazil, the first reason is because i want to know the amazon rain-forest. Even in the vacations of this year, whit my best friend, we plan a tourism travel by the amazon river but we can´t go for some troubles. In our program to summer vacations we would traveled in the amazon river for one month to arrive to Manaos, which is the capital of Amazonas, and then continue to all beaches in Brazil and possibly live the carnival.
Another big reason is the RIO CARNIVAL!. I have seen in some features that the carnival in Brazil is in all over the place, in every corner of the country, in the streets and squares, bars, clubs and all other venues in Rio and i would like to take part of this big party.
And finally, a friend who visit the country, told me that the brazilian people is very kind and happy and i would like to be infused of this atmosphere. In spite of i would´t like to work or life in this country.
My name is Valentina Muñoz, i am 21 years old and i am studiying psichology in the fourth year. I think that i have more weaknesses than strenghts in English in this moment, for a lot of reasons. First of all, i lost practice in this language because in all the years in univesity i avoid to be in this grade and when i take this grade, but whit another miss, i have a very bad experience. Another weakness is my grammar, even when i had a better level of english, it always have been my "talon de Aquiles". To finish with my weaknesses, i am a little embarrassed to have a discussion or something like that.
So my expectations for this class is have a better english leven, i can survive in a discussion and remember somethigs of when i know more of english.