This week I saw a documentary about how the world power arrives to Latin America to put theirs industry that abuse of the natural resources. The result of this industries is very harmful to the people that live close of their industries and the ecosystems. A example of this process is Botnia , a pulp mill that was built in the Uruguay river , very close of the Uruguayan population Fray Bentos and the argentine population GualeguaychĂș . This group calls Botnia with their industry polluter the river with different toxic components and they practice the massive tree plantation of just one species, this means that the woods that they build are woods without life because affects to the forests variety of plant and animal species. This that in some moment could be a business to Uruguay never was because the employment down, his river is pollute and they green areas have been decreased . This is only one example but in Latin America are more examples Like Arauco in Chile .
The damages that Botnia cause un Uruguay or another group can cause in another country of Latin America are a lot and is very important enquire about this topic!